your portal for personal development & new leadership

welcome to keep growing, your portal for personal growth and new leadership. our mission is to provide knowledge and the best tools to increase your productivity, your leadership skills and thus contribute to a world. a world in which we are not differntiation between the "fun" life and "hard" work, but as a whole lif where we wake up insipired and ready to motivate others.
"be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still."
visit our blog
in our blog we present you the latest products, books, apps and podcast. every article will consist of an in depth topic (such as time management, leadership or innovation) and we will review an supporting prodcut, book, app or podcast to provide you the relevant information at a glance for your personal growth.

Time Management Product Must- Have: Timeular. Become a Time Management Professionell

Focus App: Forest. Work more focused and plant real trees while you’re at it.
to suppot your personal growth we are constantly testing new products to help you to be more prodcutive, mindful, concentrated, innovative …
all products are hand- chosen and tested by us. have a look!

Courage Over Comfort Deck (BestSelf Co.)
one of the most important things you can do for your personal growth is to read. we offer you the best book we’ve read so far in the field of personal growth and leadership.

Getting Things Done (David Allen)

The Infinite Game (Simon Sinek)
your smartphone shouldn’t be this time wasting device everyone claims it to be. use the revied apps to make you more focused, effective and improve your everyday life.

Freeletics: Personal Coach (Freeletics)

Forest: Die App zum konzentriert bleiben (Seekrtech)
podcast episodes
wether in the car, at the gym or on the couch. podcasts are the single best thing to offer you new insights via audio. see for yourself our best episodes from leading personal growth and leadership podcasts.

Jocko Willink: Extreme Leadership and The Power of Self-Discipline (The School of Greatness)

Benjamin Hardy: How To Reinvent Yourself & Your Personality (Superhumans at Work)

Vishen Lakhiani: 5 Personal Growth Habits For High Performance (Mindvalley)
categories we search for to offer you the best products, books, apps and podcasts for your personal growth and leadership.
personal improvement
at keep growing we are striving to be a better person each day. all you need is to be a slightly better person as yesterday.
new work
new work is changing the world for a better.and more fulfilling work- life. as leaders we must kno these principles to offer a more wholesome workplace.
growth mindset
we search for things that change our mindset. we are not fixed, we are growth oriented. new is always better.
the best leaders can learn from the people who build something from the start. to be an entrepreneur means to lead.
mental & physical health
to enable a healthy growth we need to sustain a good mental and physical health. without it our growth would not be sustainable.
time managament
time is the most precious resource in our fast pacing world. the better u can manage our time, the more important things you can do on a daily basis, the better it is for you and your team.